my credo

  1. Say what you mean; because telepathy is still in beta testing.

  2. Be choosy with your media, because your brain thinks it's real. Unless, of course, you're watching someone paint happy little trees.

  3. Speak clearly, listen carefully, pay close attention; otherwise, you'll end up in a conversation about quantum physics when you just asked for the time.

  4. Do what you love; life's too short not to ply your craft. Just don't expect it to pay the bills, unless your craft is printing money.

  5. Keep it simple; complex plans involve running, and who's got the energy for that?

  6. Start small and build a little at a time; a mosaic is more beautiful than the finest concrete, and way less likely to get you sued for improper construction.

  7. Network; because who else will laugh at your "I'm not a robot" jokes?

  8. Be who you are; even a bent wire can carry a great light, especially in a modern art exhibit.

  9. Build for strength, not just speed; the hare may have had more Instagram followers, but the tortoise won the race.

  10. Hack; just remember, "try it and see" doesn't apply to skydiving or lion taming.

  11. Under-promise and over-deliver; because everyone loves a surprise, especially when it's not another birthday card.

  12. Divide and conquer; because life is essentially a giant game of strategy board games.

  13. Do one thing well; remember, unicorns are famous for just one horn.

  14. Use what you have; unless it's a floppy disk, then maybe it's time to upgrade.

  15. Use levers, not people; because people are terrible at being levers, they keep asking for coffee breaks.

  16. Release early, release often; otherwise, you're just hoarding half-baked ideas, and there's no market for those.

  17. Distrust all claims for the one true way; except for pizza, pizza is always the answer.

  18. Think ahead, but don’t worship your plans; all things are possible, except maybe skiing through a revolving door.

  19. Think big: you are the universe. And like any good universe, remember to occasionally expand beyond your current dimensions — just without the big bang.

  20. Abhor violence in all its forms, even contradicting others. Keep your peace, hold your tongue, and avoid turning into a debate club mascot.

  21. Practice the Prime Directive; unless you're in a sci-fi movie, then totally ignore it.