Otherwise known as “chatronynms,” many of these came of age in the IRC era of the 80s.
nym |
expansion |
<3 |
i like that comment |
<g> |
grin |
3bs |
three beers short |
aamof |
as a matter of fact |
adn |
any day now |
afaiac |
as far as i am concerned |
afaict |
as far as i can tell |
afaik |
as far as i know |
afair |
as far as i remember |
afk |
away from the keyboard |
afpsoagf |
a few punches short of a good fight |
afssoap |
a few sandwiches short of a picnic |
aopc |
reciting local national motto |
asap |
as soon as possible |
asl pls |
age sex location please |
athyrio |
and the horse you rode in on |
atm |
at the moment |
atp |
at this point |
aybabtu |
all your base are belong to us |
b4n |
bye for now |
bak |
back at (my) keyboard |
bbfn |
bye bye for now |
bbiab |
be back in a bit |
bbiaf |
be back in a few |
bbl |
be back later |
bbs |
be back shortly |
bbs |
be back soon |
beg |
big evil grin |
brb |
be right back/bathroom break |
bta |
but then again |
btw |
by the way |
c-c-c-combo breaker |
call a halt to repeated posts |
cp |
coder pig |
cq… |
looking for… |
ctc |
care to chat? |
cya |
see ya |
d/c |
disconnected |
djiad |
darnit jim, i’m a doctor |
djiad |
not my area of expertise |
e.g. |
exempli gratia |
faq |
frequently asked questions |
fb |
fine business |
focl |
falling off chair laughing |
ftw |
for the win |
fwiw |
for what it’s worth |
fyi |
for your information |
ga |
good afternoon |
gm |
good morning |
gmta |
great minds think alike |
gmtaasdo |
great minds think alike, and so do ours |
gnsdily |
good night, sweet dreams, i love you |
goybwaroc |
get on your big wheel and ride on, cowboy |
gtg |
got to go |
hdj |
irretrievably broken (he’s dead, jim) |
hth |
hope that helps |
hybs |
christian greeting |
hyfj |
another christian greeting |
iaadbnyd |
i am a doctor, but not your doctor |
iaalbnyl |
i am a lawyer, but not your lawyer |
ianad |
i am not a doctor |
ianaitp |
i am not an IT person |
ianal |
i am not a lawyer |
ianyg |
i am not your guru (don’t ask me) |
iapnad |
i’m a programmer, not a doctor |
inyitp |
i’m not your IT person |
ic |
i see |
ifypfy |
i fixed your post for you |
iha |
i hate acronyms |
iirc |
if i recall correctly |
imho |
in my humble opinion |
imnsho |
in my not so humble opinion |
imo |
in my opinion |
iow |
in other words |
irl |
in real life |
isagn |
i see a great need |
istr |
i seem to recall |
ito |
in terms of |
itt |
i think that |
j/k |
just kidding |
jk |
just kidding |
jsia |
just say it already |
kbn |
gimme a minute to break it |
kbn |
klaatu barada nikto |
kbn |
stand down, cowboy ^^ |
kwh |
kilroy was here |
l8r |
later |
lahith |
(i need that) like a hole in the head |
le |
later edit |
llap |
live long and prosper |
lmao |
laughing my %%% off |
lol |
laughing out loud |
ltns |
long time no see |
lts |
laughing to self |
ly |
love you |
mil |
mother-in-law |
motd |
message of the day |
n/a |
no attachment |
n/m |
nevermind |
n/p |
no problem - np also used |
n/t |
no text |
nhdbof |
observing a religious holiday/ritual |
nmcnmm |
not my circus, not my monkeys |
np |
no problem |
oic |
oh, I see |
omg |
oh, my god |
op |
original poster |
opiahh |
op is a hose head |
otoh |
on the other hand |
pal2 |
peace and long life |
ppl |
people |
re |
re hi or re hello |
rofl |
rolling on floor laughing |
roflmao |
rolling on floor laughing my arse off |
rotfl |
rolling on the floor laughing |
rtfm |
read the *** manual |
rtfm |
read the full manual |
sahm |
stay at home mom |
sio |
spit it out |
shlm |
jewish greeting |
slm |
muslim greeting |
smmas |
sudo make me a sandwich |
st |
spell that |
ta |
thanks/again |
tafn |
that’s all for now |
tam |
thanks a million |
tmi |
too much information |
tsta |
try spelling that again |
ttyl |
talk (type) to you later |
ttys |
talk (type) to you soon |
ty |
thank you thx thanks |
w8 |
wait |
wb |
welcome back |
wc? |
are you hungry? (want chinese?) |
we |
whatever |
w/e |
whatever |
wfm |
works for me |
wsof |
way short of fudge (to give) |
wtf |
what, the fudge? |
wtf |
why the face? |
wtg |
way to go |
ww |
wire weenie (hardware person) |
wx |
weather |
wysineutwyg |
what you see is not entirely unrelated to what you get |
wysiwyg |
what you see is what you get |
wywtci |
whatever (you want to call it) [origin of “whatever”?] |
ygbkm |
you gotta be kidding me |
ymmv |
your milage may vary |
yold |
year of our lady of discord |